Air System is our innovative ventilation patented system, guaranteed for the recovery of humid walls or subject to rising capillary damp.

Allows implementing plasters or laying natural or reconstructed stone coverings on wet surfaces, preventing mould and salt efflorescence from building up through widespread microventilation.


  • Air Plast

    Innovative patented ventilation system for the recovery of damp walls or walls subject to rising damp by capillary action.

  • Rete Zincata

    Innovative patented ventilation system for the recovery of damp walls or walls subject to rising damp by capillary action.

  • Vento “L”

    Innovative patented ventilation system for the recovery of damp walls or walls subject to rising damp by capillary action.

  • Tasselli di Fissaggio

    Innovative patented ventilation system for the recovery of damp walls or walls subject to rising damp by capillary action.

Scopri tutti i prodotti Deumidificanti

La risalita di umidità per capillarità è una delle principali cause di degrado delle murature, che provocano distacco dell’intonaco, comparsa di efflorescenze saline e scrostamento delle finiture. Il benessere abitativo si raggiunge con un sistema integrato per il risanamento e la deumidificazione delle murature umide.

  • Epofloor In Risanamuro

    Synthetic resin with high penetrating capacity. For indoors and outdoors.

  • Deumix Risanamuro Antisale

    Highly penetrating water-based impregnating agent, salinity inhibitor.

  • Deumix Pronto NHL 3.5

    Mineral plaster based on NHL 3.5 natural lime and ecological lightweight aggregates.

  • Deumix Pronto NHL 3.5 CAM

    Mineral plaster based on NHL 3.5 natural lime and ecological lightweight aggregates.

  • Deumix Finitura

    Lightweight, fine-grained mineral top coat plaster, highly breathable, very high water vapour permeability.

  • Pittura Termica Anticondensa

    Superior organic mineral water paint, highly breathable, anti-condensation.